To help users navigate our work-for-hire marketplace and find greater success in connecting with available freelancers, we have reviewed all job postings and subsequently archived any job offers from freelancers who have not logged into the site in the past twelve months.
We get it... a lot has changed over the years since SWRolodex started and freelancers first began posting their job skills on our site! Hell, a lot has changed in just the past year alone... maybe you've gone back to your full-time civ job, maybe your own swork business has taken off and you don't have time for your side hustle... maybe you lost the password to this one-of-many email account and didn't realize you were getting notifications! It happens! We don't take it personally.
Archiving jobs from accounts that haven't recently logged in--or rather, marking the jobs "inactive" so that they no longer appear live in our marketplace--is a step toward making sure our users will have greater success when coming to SWRolodex to get started working on a specific business goal or challenge. It can be frustrating to order work from a freelancer who seems like a great match, but they never reply... plus it creates work for admins to mediate the customer's frustration and may even cost us refund fees. Not a great experience for anyone!
We're hopeful that continuing to archive stale jobs on a regular basis will improve the customer experience when browsing the SWRolodex marketplace, keeping the freshest jobs accessible and placing dedicated freelancers in easy reach of new gigs. Plus it's easy to reactivate an archived job once you're ready to get back to work; keep reading to find out how.
Log in frequently so you don't miss a gig!
As always, we recommend that freelancers log into the site regularly--at least once a month--so that your profile shows you have been active and are more likely to respond to messages, orders, and requests! Logging in regularly is also the best way to catch any messages you need to reply to (just in case you missed that email notification), to check out the newest posted work requests from potential clients, or to follow up on past work gigs... maybe even send some inquiries to see if a past customer would like to work together again. No harm in letting people know your here and ready to get some work done! And since the Rolodex's automated notifications are a core part of the site functionality, logging in regularly will make it more obvious if you're missing something and need to troubleshoot your notifications so you don't miss a gig.
My job got archived; what do I do?
Well first we're happy to know you're still here and still interested in working with SWRolodex! Now that you're logged in again, you can navigate to the "My Jobs" section (either click the direct link at the top right, or mouse to the Jobs section in the drop-down menu from your avatar). Once you're on the My Jobs page, click the Inactive tab, and here you should find any previously published jobs that were archived due to account inactivity.

Once you hit "Activate" your job will again be live on the site. But first! Please consider taking a moment to review your listing and see if there's anything that can be improved to entice potential buyers, such as updated graphics/work examples, or a refreshed description of your work process; maybe your rates have changed! If you make any changes to your listing it will need to be reviewed by admin again before going live, but since it's already been approved and your freelancer credentials have already been vetted, the turnaround time for resubmitting a job is usually less than 24 hours. And we think it's worth it to be putting your best foot forward!
If you have questions about navigating the My Jobs section of SWRolodex or need assistance in managing your jobs or your overall presence as a freelancer on our marketplace, please do not hesitate to contact! We are always happy to go the extra mile to make sure you're getting the most out of your time on our site, and we want you to be successful here because if our freelancers are succeeding, that means sworkers are succeeding, and that's what we're all about! Cheers!