*Priced at $50/hour due to how fast an efficient I am with editing I can produce daily, weekly, or monthly video content quickly and professionally. For my day job, I manage all aspects from pre-...
Former SW and Domme with 20 year in the adult industry Would you like more time for yourself? Screening, Scheduling, Deposits, Answering Emails, Organizing and labeling inbox, Touring Assistant, Ad...
A dedicated website is crucial in building and maintaining your brand, especially in a day when social media accounts are constantly being deleted. Your website will attract new fans and retain...
I'll consult with you to figure out what you want to highlight about yourself, what your big draw is, who your clientele are/who you want to attract with this bio. You'll receive a 300-400 word bio...
Video editing INCLUDES color fixes, effects, transitions, audio smoothing, & much more! I love getting creative during the editing process for my OWN videos, let me bring that magic to YOURS!
Hi there! Virtual assistant ,ready to go! I worked 4 years in sw -related environment and from there the idea started to work as a V.A. I am ready to help to grow your business. What can I do for...
I offer scripting for sw audio or video. I cater to a large amounts of fetishes and desires. From kink specific to video specific needs I can adapt my writing to the content you make. Never made a...
This offer is for 1 on 1 coaching. I have been a sworker for 6 years and I also work for a famous pstar. I know a lot about various topics and would love to help anyone out who needs the help. The...
-Help manage email (familiar with Microsoft and Google Suite) -Manage any messaging that you need help with -Help with customer service and responding to customers if there are issues with...
For your basic photo editing needs, I can offer a $3 rate per photo. Feel free to ask about bundle deals for large quantities of pictures sent together, and also rates for more specific/complicated...
Oh, so you want MORE added to your pics? Full background changes, text, sparkles, graphics, shadows, you name it! Creativity is the name of the game, so step yours up with eye-catching pics!
You tell me what you need, and I create voice-driven content for your website that showcases your unique personality and vibe. Info is one thing, but curating a mood is another, and your website is...